Harold and Lynne Honickman with Jon and Dorothea Bon Jovi
Paul Levy, Carrie Rickey and Pierce Keating
Claire Boasi and Joanne Berwind
Irene Shabel, Valerie Camillo, and Fred Shabel
Sarah Rosenberg and Edman Reid
Margelle Liss and Jane Golden
Andrea Gaudini, Tara Miller, and Shirley Moy
Rogelio Riley, Annemarie Burke, Janine Brandolo, and Makeda Carroll
Project Home 30th Anniversary
|April 16, 2019|Parties,
On April 16, 2019, Project Home celebrated their 30th anniversary at the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown. 1400 Philadelphia business leaders, politicians, philanthropists, supporters and Project HOME volunteers came together to celebrate thirty years of work against chronic homelessness. Honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award for their tireless fight against homelessness and support of Project Home were Lynne and Harold Honickman. Since 1989, when Sister Mary Scullion and Joan Dawson McConnon founded Project HOME they have helped more than 8,000 people break the cycle of homelessness and poverty by providing a continuum of care that includes street outreach, supportive housing and comprehensive services that focus on health care, education and employment.