Vinny Carrano, Laura McAndrews, Krysten Kamlowski and Joe Comey
George Azar, Taylor Collins and Jordan Katz
Bridget Buemi and Jeff Holland
Renee and John Frederick
aspireLIFE's 10th Anniversary
|March 6, 2020|Parties,
On Friday, March 6, 2020, aspireLIFE celebrated their 10th anniversary of JAM at the Arts Ballroom. aspireLIFE, a Philadelphia philanthropic movement consisting of individuals whose mission it is to support cancer research, raises funds for those living with cancer. George Azar, co-founder of JAM, is a 20-year survivor of cancer who wanted to find a way to give back and thus created this event with John Frederick and Brie and Justin Bernstein. The night's proceeds went to charitable efforts go on to support the American Cancer Society.