Style is a state of mind, as Dr. Jennifer Caudle knows all too well. We sit down with the sartorial star from years past to talk work, wardrobes and world affairs.
The biggest change since I was last featured is...
I have shared health information with more people than ever through local and national TV appearances and my social media presence, where I have nearly 300,000 followers collectively.
This year has taught me...
that Americans are strong and resilient. Even though we are faced with the COVID-19 pandemic, I know we will get through this together. I am also proud of America for being willing to look at the history of racism against African Americans in this country. This is an important first step for racial equality.
In 2020, style is all about...
As a physician, my 2020 style has consisted of N95 face masks, face shields, gowns, gloves and other PPE with the occasional dress thrown in for when I do my television segments.
I am supporting my local community by...
shopping local, donating to charities I believe in and doing my part to help Philadelphia continue to be one of the best cities ever!
My outlook has shifted by...
gratitude. Gratitude always changes my outlook. I always remember the blessings I have been given and work to help others the best way I can.